Features of Zion

by T. Austin-Sparks

Date messages given unknown. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

The contemplation of Zion in the Spirit will become a contemplation of Christ... We see Christ speaking in this many-sided symbolism, speaking right into our lives, going right down to the very depths of us with challenge, comfort, assurance and all the things that we need. “Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God”... the end is glory. What is your trouble just now? What is the matter with us? We think it is going to be anything but glory. What miserable things we are, how frequently we show weaknesses and failures and all that! We are called unto glory and we will never come unto glory because we have virtues and values of our own. It will be through His grace, and I believe that - if I may put it this way - the people who will have the greatest measure of glory in the end will be those who needed the greatest measure of grace, and knew it. There is hope for us then, if that is true. Let us hold on to that and believe it. The end is glory.

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