A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

by T. Austin-Sparks

Date messages given unknown. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

There is a spiritual shaking; everything after all which, although thought to represent God, but which nevertheless is just tied up with this earth, will find itself shaken to its very foundations and will crash. "Receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken" is a present, active thing. It is not that we are going to receive a kingdom; we are now in the process of receiving the kingdom which cannot be shaken. That is actually the sense and meaning of the word. Every time you gain a spiritual victory, the kingdom has come; you are receiving the kingdom every time you know some fresh expression of Christ as victor in your heart; the kingdom has come. Every time you know what it is to have blessed fellowship and communion with your God and Father in the inner sanctuary where you have entered and had your access, you are receiving a kingdom, the kingdom has come... and, having the Spirit, we have the earnest of the age to come. 

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