"The Laying on of Hands"

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines, Sep-Oct 1932-1933 Vol. 10-5-11-1.

It is not our wish to take up this matter in any controversial way, although it may be impossible to avoid that element arising in the minds of some who read. We desire only to pass on what light we have, and be as constructive as possible. But contrasts are inevitable, and there must of necessity be a corrective factor. The present pressing in of this subject upon the notice of the Lord's people calls for some faithful and spiritual facing of it, and presentation of the truth concerning it: not, let us repeat, in the way of controversy, but for clarifying, safeguarding, warning and building up of the "Body." It would be the best thing for us first to recognise the place which "The Laying on of Hands" has in the Scriptures.

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