The New Creation

by T. Austin-Sparks

The two last messages are transcribed from conference messages given in November 1955, the spoken form has been retained verbatim. The first two messages may not have been part of this conference, they are undated transcripts that appear to fit with the theme so have been included.

If there is a new creation brought about by God in Christ, then we may take it for granted that such is a necessity. "Well", you say, "there is not very much profundity about that"; but you have to begin at the beginning. And if only we did but see it, a very large proportion of our trouble is because we have not recognised that simple fact: the necessity for a new creation. We may put that in another way which is the implication of it, and that is that the old creation has entirely broken down and failed, making for this necessity that there shall be a new creation. The old has failed, and it always will fail; it will never be any more successful than it has been.

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