"A Candlestick of Pure
Gold: of Beaten Work"
Exodus 25:31

"The Testimony of Jesus"
Revelation 1:9
We gratefully
acknowledge the work which Paul Redin has
done in transcribing and offering these
magazines to Austin-Sparks.Net. Unless
otherwise noted, words and phrases in square
brackets [] were added by him.
by Paul Redin
General comments:
A Witness
and A Testimony was a bi-monthly
magazine edited and published by T.
Austin-Sparks as part of the literature
ministry of Honor Oak Christian Fellowship
Center in London, England. Publication of A
Witness and A Testimony began in 1923
and ended in 1971 after Mr. Austin-Sparks
died in April of that year. The first two
articles in Vol. 49, No. 4 give a brief
biographical sketch of Mr. Austin-Sparks'
life and a summary of the presentations at
his memorial service.
The main thrust of the articles in A
Witness and A Testimony , which were written by a variety
of authors, is best expressed in the following
'ministry statement' that was printed on the
inside front cover of each issue. Minor
wording changes were made in this statement
from time to time. The following text is
taken from the last issue, Vol. 49, No. 6.
MINISTRY of this little paper, issued
bi-monthly, is to contribute to the Divine
end which is presented in the words of
Ephesians 4:13 -- "... till we all attain
unto the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge (literally -- full knowledge)
of the Son of God, unto a full-grown man,
unto the measure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ: that we be no longer
It is not connected with any 'Movement',
'Organization', 'Mission' or separate body
of Christians, but is just a ministry to
"all saints". Its going forth is with the
prayer and hope that it will so result in a
fuller measure of Christ, a richer and
higher level of spiritual life, that, while
bringing the Church of God into a growing
approximation to His revealed will as to its
'attainment', it may be better qualified to
be used of Him in testimony in the nations,
and to the completing of its own number by
the salvation of those yet to be added by
the Lord.
This ministry is maintained by the Lord
through the stewardship of those who value
it. There is no 'subscription', but gifts
can be sent to the Editor, 'A Witness and A
Testimony', 39 Honor Oak Road, Forest Hill,
London, S.E.23, England. All cheques should
be made payable to Witness and Testimony
Literature Trust. The paper is sent
only to those who personally desire it, and
we count on friends to advise us if this is
no longer the case, or if they change their
Publishing notes:
A Witness
and A Testimony was published
bi-monthly (six issues per year) and was
distributed by mail without cost to many
appreciative readers. The articles were
printed in four columns of text on both
sides of 9 X 14-1/2 in. paper which, when
folded double and fold-stapled together with
a folded cover, formed a magazine measuring
7-1/4 in. wide by 9 in. high. Each issue
contained either 20 or 24 pages of
two-column text. A title banner and table of
contents were printed at the top of the
first page of text in each issue. See A
Witness and A Testimony Chronological for images of the
cover and first page of the last issue.
Transcription notes:
transcription of the articles in A
Witness and A Testimony adheres to the
original as closely as practical with the
following intended exceptions:
The original two-column page format was
replaced by a one-column format with each
paragraph delimited by a blank line rather
than by first-line indentation. Original
pagination is indicated within square
brackets embedded in the text. For example,
[21/22] indicates the end of page 21 and the
beginning of page 22.
A short centered line of 16 hyphens was
inserted to indicate the end of each article
and to separate various other blocks of
Each footnote was moved to its appropriate
place within the text.
Each 'em dash' was replaced with two
Each Roman numeral was replaced with its
equivalent Arabic number.
The period between chapter and verse in each
scripture reference was replaced with a
Obvious typographical errors were corrected;
when doubtful, no change was made. British
spelling and punctuation were retained