Austin-Sparks published a bi-monthly
magazine called "A Witness and A Testimony"
from 1923 until his death in 1971. He did
not want the magazine to continue after his
death. A similar style of magazine named
"Toward the Mark" was then published from
1972 until 1989 by a colleague, Harry
Foster, and it included articles by Mr
"A Candlestick of
Pure Gold: of Beaten Work" Exodus

"The Testimony of Jesus" Revelation
This index is of
only the final few years of the magazine
and lists the articles alphabetically by
author and title.
Subtitles within a series are listed
Austin-Sparks | Forster | Foster | Fromke | Holden | Harrison | Lang | Madsen | Nee | Thompson | Tozer
Unknown Authors

"... reaching forth unto those things which
are before ...
toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling of God in Christ Jesus "
(Philippians 3:13-14)
Alexander |
Austin-Sparks | Barrow | Blair | Blanchard | Bultman | Burnett | Davies | Fielder | Fischbacher | Forster | Foster | Fullerton | Godfrey | Golsworthy | Gove | Gunn | Harpur | Kennedy | Kinnear | MacDonald | Madsen | McRostie | Michell | Miley | Motyer | Nee | Nute | Ogden | Paterson | Poonen | Rees | Saunders | Scott | Sze | Taylor | Thompson | Verwer | Wilcock
Unknown Authors